Jordan + Sarah. Engaged
Jeremy Clare-Talbot Jeremy Clare-Talbot

Jordan + Sarah. Engaged

As a photographer I’d be lying if I said I’m always feeling inspired or never experience self doubt as a business owner… Last summer Jordan and Sarah’s engagement session came at a time when I was completely exhausted after my spring and summer wedding season, I was drained and feeling totally uninspired. Every year I have those moments where I feel like I want to quit and like maybe this job isn’t cut out for me. But really it’s just because I’ve forgotten to do things that artistically inspire me so my photography becomes a job and my cup becomes empty.

Well, let me tell you… Last year right in that moment of feeling totally uninspired and ready to quit. Sarah and I picked this gorgeous location at The Kentucky Horse Park. I had never met her in person and had no idea what to expect. And THEN she arrived in her gorgeous rust-colored dress with her long hair in braids and she asked me if she could shoot the session barefoot. Uhm.. heck yes!! Instantly I’m completely inspired by her and Jordan doing all the cute things running through the meadow in that gorgeous golden light and I’m remembering everything I love about photography and shooting couples in love. This session alone gave me what I needed to get through my fall wedding season so I just HAD to share it with yall.

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Carly + Andy. Married
Adele Clare-Talbot Adele Clare-Talbot

Carly + Andy. Married

Its hard to find the write words to describe how momentous this day was, to describe how perfect in every single was rhis union was. But to start I’ll share a quote from my instagram post of one of the sneak peaks from this wedding. “You know those people who just radiate light. Who walk into a room and the entire room is instantly lighter and happer because of their presence. The kind of friends where you can hang out for ten minutes or ten hours and you walk away feeling more positive about everything in your life. That is Carly. From the moment I met her, her smile was instantly contagious and her joy always had me walking away feeling like a new person. It was no surprise to me that on her wedding day that the light just followed her around and created a glow around her because thats just who she is, a light to all who know her. This laughter and joy is just who she is and I love that I was able to capture just tiny ounce of that joy on her wedding day”

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Laurel + Carrington. Engaged
Adele Clare-Talbot Adele Clare-Talbot

Laurel + Carrington. Engaged

Laurel and Carrington’s engagement session kicked off this Spring full of so many engagement sessions and so many amazing couples! It was the perfect session to get me all giddy and inspired for wedding season this year. We met at McConnell Springs Park, one of my favorite locations in Lexington, Kentucky. I have shot there at almost every month of the year and I love that it can look so completely different at different seasons making each persons session look unique. At Laurel and Carrington’s session we found some really cool spots that are usually too overgrown too explore. I love it when I show up to a session and I instantly get this surge of inspiration.. the lighting, the couple, the setting. Everything about this session had me geeking out from start to finish reminding me why I love what I do.

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