How to Combat Wedding Planning Anxiety
How to Combat Wedding Planning Anxiety
Hey You …. Pause and Take a Deep Breath
Before reading this I hope you paused and took a deep breath, because guess what, if you haven’t figure it out yet sometimes wedding planning can be pretty stressful and you just need to take a minute to close your eyes, breath in and release all that tension. Whether you’re the perfect planner bride who wants to have every detail organized from start to finish or the super laid back chill bride, you’re bound to experience a bit of wedding planning anxiety at some point in the process. And you’re reading this it’s probably because you already have. So here are a few of my top tips from a wedding professional, who has also planned their own wedding, on how to combat the wedding planning anxiety.
Nothing stresses people out more than finances, and overspending on your wedding only to have to either cancel certain aspects of the wedding you’ve already organized or have to stress about coming up with the money is not something any bride wants to do.
Be honest from the very beginning about your finances and how much money you can spend on the wedding as whole, once you figure that out designate amount of money per category of the wedding expenses and go from there. Whatever you do don’t go into it unaware of where you are financially and how much you can spend.
Hey remember that person you chose to marry, that person you love and adore? Trust them. This marriage is about more than the big beautiful dress and fun party. There are going to be a lot of big decisions throughout your marriage where you’ll lean on each other for guidance because what you’re entering into, is a partnership. So trust your partner, lean on them guidance in your decisions, big or small, and let them help you navigate this planning process.
I remember when I was planning my wedding and I joined The Knot wedding planner and it gave me a list of like 400 things to do and I genuinely thought I had to check every item off that list. Not only that but I joined about 3 other websites and added their lists to that list and pretty soon I was losing my mind. STOP THE CRAZY LISTS.
Y ‘all let me tell you about a week after my wedding I woke up from a nightmare in a full blown panic because I needed to check items of my list on The Knot…. my wedding was over.
So here me out, if you don’t know where to start planning your day a list can’t hurt. But take it as a helpful suggestion and not something that has to get done. Don’t worry about a 400 item list, and focus on the big picture.
Just because you’re planning a wedding does not mean it needs to take over your life. You and your fiancé shouldn’t stop dating because you got engaged and you still need time for yourself too. Don’t let everything become about the wedding. Continue to date, Continue to have fun together and get to know each other separate from planning. Most of all give yourself mental health breaks from planning.
Don’t forget that the people standing by you on your wedding day want to help, especially if people offer. Accept help from people, delegate some of that planning! And know when to hire a planner or coordinator for your wedding day.
Good Luck and Happy Wedding Planning